Have you considered the impact that events like death, disability, dread disease and critical illness will have on your life, should they occur? What if the bread winner of your family can no longer work due to one of these or another event? Have you considered this and planned sufficiently for it so that you have peace of mind that they are well provided for? In an uncertain world, it’s important to ensure that sufficient life cover, disability cover, severe illness cover and income disability cover are in place, particularly if the bread winner of a family is unable to work.
Should you have debt on items such as cars, houses, overdrafts and credit cards among others, you need to ensure that a life-changing event does not undermine your ability to cover these essential costs.
It is important to factor in all expenses, including children’s schooling and other related monthly expenses in determinig how much additional life cover and disability cover may be required.
Most people are unaware of the cost implications of a severe illness – such as a stroke, a heart-attack, a by-pass operation or cancer. Not only in terms of the medical expenses incurred but also including the loss of the ability to work.
The income disability benefit pays a monthly income to the individual who cannot work either termporarily or permanently due to a life changes circumstance such a car accident, an injury or a severe illness.
In order to ensure that you are adequately covered, we will complete a full financial needs analysis (FNA) to identify your specific risk requirements. By using state-of-the art software we are able to ensure that once your financial plan is formulated, you can rest assure that any unforeseen circumstance will be not be financially crippling.
Click below and ask Gavin do a full financial needs analysis for you and your family so that your lifestyle and finances are never at risk.
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