E-mail: gavin@simplicityfinancial.co.za | Mobile: +2783 604 0923

GAP Cover


Would you like to pay less for medical aid and still get access to good, quality medical cover?

Gap cover has emerged as a cost-effective tool to supplement a health plan and to avoid excessive and often, hidden charges.

There is no health plan company in South Africa that covers every expense related to medical treatment. As a result, numerous co-payments and specialist short-fall expenses accumulate when you are admitted into hospital.

Most health plans have fixed rates they pay for specialists in-hospital. Medical aid rates are the rates prescribed by the Medical Council for doctors fees. However, most doctors and anesthetists as well as ENT specialists charge in excess of these rates. In addition to this, some health plans require an upfront-payment for admission into certain non-network hospitals. How do you budget for these unforeseen medical costs, especially when you thought you were covered?

This is why Gap Cover has become popular and emerged as a cost-effective tool to supplement a health plan and avoid excessive charges.
Gap cover products offer up to 500% payouts for fees incurred in hospital for specialists over and above the rates paid by the health plan. This means peace of mind that no additional bills will be charged after hospitalization. Gap cover products also include a wide range of additional features such as coverage for trauma counselling and accidental death cover on some of the more advanced plans.

Simplicity Financial deals with Stratum and Discovery for their gap cover products as they offer the widest range of options at the lowest cost, with a solid track record.

Click below and ask Gavin to advise you on the best Gap Cover for you and your family so that your health and finances are never at risk.

Contact Gavin